On this page you can find different feeds of this site to subscribe to. For most people, the default, site-wide feed is what they'll want, but all the options are listed on this page.
An RSS/Atom feed is a file that gets updated each time something new happens on the website. An RSS reader will check every so often the feeds you asked it to watch, downloading the contents and notifying you when there's something new to read. It's 00's tech and also a great way to enjoy an open internet because you don't need an account or to join a platform.
To subscribe to an RSS feed just click a link to one, and your RSS reader will take care of the rest.
If you're on Mac/iOS I recommend NetNewsWire. For Android I hear Feeder is good, and for Windows QuietRSS is often recommended.
Default Feed
This is the feed that most people will want, and it works the way one would expect. It's just all the new content that comes from this site. What's missing from this feed is comments, which most people will not want to get updates on anyways.
Individual Sections
There are individual feeds for each section of this site, in case you want to mix and match.
- Projects Feed - updates on new projects
- Writing Feed - longer form, more thoughtful articles
- Updates Feed - shorter form, more social content, along with life updates
Social Feeds
- Posts Feed - Posts are things that I write under /updates/ that longer than a few sentences
- "Peeps" Feed - Peeps are a microblogging format (basically tweets without twitter)
- Panels Feed - Panels are swipe-able stories that mix text and images (basically Instagram stories without Instagram)
Commenting Feeds
You can also follow different feeds from the comments sections on this site. These are mostly applicable to people who leave comments and want to be when someone replies to their comment.
Click on the links below, and you'll be able to browse the different comment feeds and find the one you're interested in.
- 🔍 Comments by Page - brow comments organized by page and subscribe to get notified of comments for that page
- 🔍 Comments by Author - browse comment authors and subscribe to get notified whenever they write a new comment
- 🔍 All Comments - browse comments and subscribe to get notified when an individual comment receives a reply